Mockup: Wire-frame / Analysis & Design

Much of your developer costs can be mitigated with strategic research, analyzing, wire framing, white boarding,  and storyboards.  Remember that developers are not designers or creators they are there to implement your directions and ideas into the app.  If you do not clearly spell out, diagram and design the interface you will waste valuable time, money and resources.

Design can progress simultaneously with wire-framing.  Layout, color, fonts, graphics, interface, icons.


Wire framing / Mockups should be produced in house by designers and tested before giving to developers.  Wire frames create the basic guides for how the design looks and works without adding code.  Current programs allow for app page design and creation without coding.  Once tested and approved by the panel, company, etc. it can be turned over to the developer for implementation.

Most wire frame / mockup software is available on monthly costs $40/Mo, and can be accessed by entire design team and testers.  

